If you want to host an event or meeting that will make you and your group stand out among your competition, then you need to call in the convention and visitor bureau experts. CVBs can put you in touch with all of the major players in the area so that you can make the necessary connections. As you’ll learn from this video, CVBs serve as the middleman between you and major officials and organizations, like the mayor or city council members, media outlets, parade organizers, and many others. Take a look at this video to see how you can benefit from calling a CVB before your next meeting or event.
If this video has you convinced, then contact Meeting Services Unlimited, Inc. at (317) 841-7171. Just as our name suggests, we can help manage and facilitate all aspects of your event or meeting. We specialize in hotel negotiations, event logistics, revenue development, marketing, sponsorship management, event reporting, and more. To see a full list of the event services we offer, check out our website or call us to speak to a representative.